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7 Best Practices for Working from Home
Employee Professional Development
Course Type: On Demand

Review these 7 helpful tips to create a better environment and state of mind for working from home.

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Addressing Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct on Campus (Appropriate Work Conduct)
Course Type: On Demand

Annual compliance training that covers the University of Utah nondiscrimination and sexual misconduct policies. Includes information about sexual misconduct, Title IX, reporting misconduct, ADA and religious accommodations and how to create a safe campus. Developed by OEO.

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Be the Coach Your Team Needs
Employee Professional DevelopmentManagement Essentials
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Exclusive for those enrolled in the Management Essentials Certificate

Gain the confidence to coach your employees for success as we discuss a proven model for coaching conversations. This is an elective for the Management Essentials certificate.

Employee Professional Development
Course Type: On Demand

In this 7 minute course you will learn some of the benefits of creating a workplace of belonging for employees.

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Benefits Preview
Course Type: On Demand
Certificate: New Employee Orientation (only available for new hires

Get familiar with the many benefits offered by the University of Utah before you enroll.

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Building Trust for Stronger Relationships
Employee Professional DevelopmentManagement Essentials
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Management Essentials

Participants will learn how to manage different types of relationships that may be present in the workplace. This is part of the Management Essentials Certification Program.

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Building Trust in a Virtual Work Environment
Employee Professional Development
Course Type: On Demand

Working in a virtual work environment can have its challenges. Gaining the trust of your manager and other teammates is an important hurdle to overcome. Review some of the easy ways you can start building trust and be that much closer to working successfully in a virtual work environment.

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Business Writing Made Simple
Employee Professional DevelopmentFoundational Skills
Course Type: On Demand
Certificate: Workplace Essentials

We all want to come across as more competent in our writing. More importantly, we all want to be effective in the workplace, and improving our writing skills is one of the key ways to do that.
In this course, you’ll learn four simple rules for better business writing and practice various ways to improve sentence structure and clarity.

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Collaboration in the Workplace
Employee Professional Development
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Workplace Essentials

Participants will understand the importance of collaboration in a professional setting, identify characteristics of successful collaborations, and learn skills to enhance collaborative relationship within and across departments. This is an elective in the Workplace Essentials Certificate.

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Communication that Influences
Employee Professional DevelopmentFoundational Skills
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Workplace Essentials

This training will help you better understand how influence works and how your communication impacts your ability to influence others. This is part of the Workplace Essentials Certificate Program.

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Conducting Performance Reviews
Employee Professional DevelopmentManagement Essentials
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Management Essentials

Participants will learn how to prepare for and deliver annual performance reviews. Participants will also learn the importance of having regular coaching conversations throughout the evaluation period.

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Creating a Culture of Engagement
Employee Professional DevelopmentManagement Essentials
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Management Essentials

This workshop is designed to help managers understand how to create an environment where employees are proactive directed and committed to the team, as well as to their own job responsibilities. This is part of the Management Essentials Certification Program.

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Creating a Successful Career- Choosing Your Path
Employee Professional Development
Course Type: On Demand

Learn how to look at your skills, abilities, and interests to select a career that is right for you!

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D-Jobs Training
HR Systems
Course Type: On Demand

Payroll Reporters for each department can learn the Department Job Summary tool known as “D-Jobs”. Topics covered include accessing the history of changes to job information, and viewing, editing, or adding distribution information.

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Defensive Driver Course Instruction
Course Type: On Demand

In this course you learn how to complete the Utah State public defensive driving course.

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Delegation – How to let it go!
Employee Professional DevelopmentManagement Essentials
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Exclusive for those enrolled in the Management Essentials Certificate

In this training we will learn the tools of how to let it go and delegate. We will look at the strategic role delegation plays when managing a team. Your time is valuable how can you leverage it? This is an elective for the Management Essentials certificate.

Directors as Leaders
Directors Series
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Directors

This is the foundation workshop for the Director program. This workshop will provide participants with a self-reflection opportunity focused on the question “What kind of director am I?” The workshop will also introduce participants to leadership concepts and their application in a variety of employment settings. This is part of the Director Essentials Certificate Program.

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Discussing Gaps in Employee Performance
Employee Professional DevelopmentManagement Essentials
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Exclusive for those enrolled in the Management Essentials Certificate

In this training, you will learn about why performance gaps occur, examine a model for a performance gap discussion, review best practices for delivering a performance review, and practice having a performance gap conversation. This is an elective for the Management Essentials certificate.

DMU (Department Mass Update)
HR Systems
Course Type: On Demand

In this training you will learn about how to successfully complete a DMU. The DMU or the Department Mass Update eForm is the electronic form used to update new fiscal year information (salaries, FTE, etc.) for an entire department at one time. This is done every fiscal year.

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Documentation for Managers
Employee Professional DevelopmentManagement Essentials
Course Type: Instructor Led Training
Certificate: Exclusive for those enrolled in the Management Essentials Certificate

Participants will learn best practices for documenting coaching and disciplinary conversations with their employees. This is a panel discussion with representatives from central HR addressing problem areas and concerns that a supervisor may run across as implementing performance management. This is an elective for the Management Essentials certificate.